MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, April 22, 1960

The meeting was called to order at 1707. The minutes were read and approved.


Committee Reports

Treasurer's Report: no change.

Theftcomm: 1 poster stolen, 1 given away.

Libcomm: 3 more Pick-a-Book books arrived, namely Sands of Mars (Clarke), Agent of Vega (Schmidt), and Second Foundation (Asimov). Books are not being covered.

Moocomm: no report.

War Council: no report.

Carnalcomm: Maynardjohnson: 1) I will not resign (good, hear, hear), 2) APO will provide us with a table, 3) we should give away certificates to people who play the game. Lewis: let us give away members as prizes.


Old Business

Volunteers for the Carnalval are needed: Ravin, Skinner, Humer (after 3:30), Lewis, Gross, Morris (evening), and anyone else who can be coerced, cajoled, or beaten into line. Work will start at 10 Saturday morning and continue until 6 in the evening. Booths must be manned at 7:30 as the Carnalval will open at 7:45.


New Business

Sarill was not here.

Lewis read to the group an article from the Saturday Review which discusses sf and in particular Amis' New Maps of Hell. A review of Level Seven was read.

MSP (Lewis, Ravin). 4-4; the president sided with the forces of evil and the meeting adjourned at 1741.

Submitted by
ARLewis, Secretary