MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, January 6, 1961

The meeting was called to order at 1717.


Committee Reports

There is 79.49 in the treasury, says the treasurer.

Libcomm: 1 set of H.G. Wells novels purchased. Norm read a review of New Maps of Hell.

At this point Lewis entered and took over the minutes from Kentaylor.

Schildkraut built a bookaze for us. Koolies are needed to sand and varnish.

The minutes were read and approved.

Moocomm: 19 January 1961 is the date of the movie. Publicity for movie: Tech Student Calendar. Volunteers/takertickets- Whealton, Lewis, Skinner, Hoeper, Ravin, Day, Lensch, Gross? Show up at 1800-1830. Shall we charge 25 cents?

MSP (Humer) that we charge 30 cents for nonmembers. 19-1. Show at 1830, 2130?

Theftcomm: posters up.

War Council: no report.

Jourcomm: Tablecomm transcriptions on tape should be typed. 15 Jan is the deadline. Meet 2 Fridays from now (20 Jan) to work on Journal. Letters have been sent and received.


Old Business

Lovecraft? No!

Sarill? Yes!


New Business

Ravin wants to sell book, no!

78 Pb, 15 booklubs now donated free.

MSD (Duff) to Millerate at 1753, 7-8.

MSP (Hoeper) to Millerate at 1756, 14-3.

ARLewis, Secretary