MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, February 17, 1961

The meeting was called to order at 1710 by Skinner in the old stomping grounds. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.


Committee Reports

The treasurer reported that the treasury now stands at 154.41. The 200 dollars has been sent to Wenker to liquidate our debt.

Moocomm: Duff, in his usual mood of righteous indignation, expressed some of LSC's views concerning our film. They disapproved of our method of advertising. NOTE: The L stands for "LECTURE."

Libcomm: return overdue books or the Vengeance Fleet will strike. Humer will have the library open Sunday.

Theftcomm: posters up.

War Council: no report.

Jourcomm: another letter was received from Ayjay Budrys with the promise of an article. Isaac Asimov will be in the Little Theatre Wednesday at 1700. Everybody should go.


Old Business

Telephone: officially there are no spare lines. Unofficially WiTiBuS will be having more cable strung so we may be able to tap in. Also there is a private independent line in E.C.

Lewis tried to see McDowell about the mimeo but he was not in.


New Business

MSP (Duff) at 1735, n-1.

ARLewis, Secretary

After the meeting a tape of Dr. Asimov reading his paper on Thiotimoline and the Space Age was heard.