MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 24, 1961

The meeting was called to order at 1703. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.


Committee Reports

The treasury has 145.56. Jourcomm wants 20 dollars and Libcomm 4.51. We have 44 members.

Theftcomm: posters up- posters down.

Jourcomm: coolies for tonight. Whealton needs a shave.

Tablecomm: nobody came. Monday- will discuss the differences between Village of the Damned and The Midwich Cuckoos.

Libcomm: it's all Skinner's fault!!! 2.36 was spent for tape and bookends. Shannon's talk at Burton House was taped. It will be transcribed and sent to him for censoring.

War Council: did not see McDowell.

Moocomm: no report.


Old Business

Skinner will call him up.

Library open as usual and also Th 15-17.


New Business

Ravin wants to invite Budrys to the Banquet.

MSP (Hoeper) to Miller at 1728. 11-3.

ARLewis, Secretary