MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, September 22, 1961

The meeting began at... er... uh... well, it seems like I didn't take down the exact time. So this meeting is uncalibrated. TS. Anyway, Skinner was responsible.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved (naturally) without correction.


Committee Reports

Treasurer, Theftcomm, Moocomm, Libcomm: No report. Ditto for Vengeance Fleet and War Council.

Tablecomm: Norwood talked a while about the glories of Tablecomm (snicker, snicker). I don't remember exactly what he said, but I believe I can quote an excerpt from one of last year's meetings as noted by Anthony "Mr. Maturity" Lewis, to wit: "Norwood made a fool of himself."

Jourcomm: B___s___ted for a while, also made a fool of himself.


Old Business

None to speak of. Or at least nobody did so.


New Business

Whealton's bad luck announced; we shall have to invent another Vice President for the noble Society.

Everybody introduced him- (or her-) self. God, what a mess.

MSP (Pearson, ?) to put off election 'till next week to facilitate matters. Or something like that. (M-3)-3.

Skinner, our Noble Steed, explained the committees to the starry-eyed freshmen. Mainly because most committee chairmen were absent.

Lensch's meeting prime was announced.

Lewis so moved at 5:43:03, (m-x)-x (where m»2x).

The Ravin, Secretary