MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, October 5, 1962

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM by our gavel-voiced president, Andy Campbell.

The minutes were read and approved, with Lewis pointing out that the Beaver House bribe contains Tom Swift books.


Committee Reports

Treasurer: We have 165.17 and 57 members, not counting what we picked up at this meeting.

Moocomm: We should be able to get Kresge.

Jourcomm: An issue is out. Has a bill.

Libcomm: Books received from Pick-a-book. Assorted donations, magazines and fanzines are in. Has a bill.

Theftcomm: Four posters up, two stolen. Has a bill.

Smokomm (yrs. tly.): Letter received from Gernsback. He may be able to come and will let us know later.


Old Business

Campbell picked up our TCA card. Kuhfeld wants custody of it, since he will be using it anyway.

Phones for the library cost money. We can get a dorm line phone for 10-15 dollars. Institute extensions have a monthly fee, so that's out.


New Business

MSP (Harrison) to censure Theftcomm for the Tail of Woe poster. 25-4.

Skinner reports that some people from the other library saw ours and were duly impressed.

MSP (Olsen): A vote of confidence for Charles de Gaulle. 13-7.

MSP (?) to inform M. de Gaulle of this vote. 15-9.

MSD (?) to table the above. 7-15.

The problem of who is to write the letter was postponed.

At this point there were five or six miscellaneous motions which didn't get seconded or recorded.

MSP (Morris): A vote of confidence in the atom bomb. 11-8.

A letter will be sent to God telling him.

The library will henceforth be opened on Friday afternoons 1-5 by Malcolm Skerry.

MSD (Skinner): The practice of reading old minutes to be revived. 9-10.

MSD to adjourn. 8-12.

MSD to adjourn. 8-11.

MSIgnored (Skinner) to cease the practice of votes of confidence.

MSD to adjourn. 10-11.

MSD to adjourn. 10-12.

MSD to adjourn. 11-13.

MSP (Olsen) to censure Phil Hoeber. 21-3.

MSP (Lewis) to designate Hoeber as the Official Brodsky. 17-6. Here Skinner explained the meaning of the term "Brodsky."

MSP to adjourn. 12+Campbell-12. 5:39 PM.

Douglas John Hoylman, Secretary