MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, October 22, 1982

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Judy Passman, President and Skinner, presiding.

(TG) Move to approve the minutes as eternal (accompanied by much applause). Passes 15-5-4 +Spehn.

The Pseudo-Onseck requested a better pen and was showered with plastic objects full of ink. She strenuously objected.

Skinner: "I didn't learn how to count- just made the numbers up."

(TG) Motion to commend Skinner for finding a reasonable alternative to knowing how to count. Fails.

(GF) Motion to declare Skinner a No-Account. Passes.


Committee Reports

Moocomm: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown on Monday.

Moocomm: Star Trek, the Motionless Picture tonight. And a Mike Jittlov short.

(TG) Motion to commend LSC for getting Mike Jittlov's underwear. Chickens about 5-2-8 +Spehn.

(TG) Move to commend KM for chickening by doing the Funky Chicken. Chickens about 6-0-8 +Spehn.

(KRJ) Move to give Tom Galloway a better gag. Passes many-a random gurgle-1 +Spehn. KM carries out motion with a polyester scarf, and you should've been there.

Moocomm: Fantasia opens in Boston today.


Old Business

Yeah, yeah...

OBA. Everything proceeded as semi-usual.


New Business

(Liz Zitzow) Minicult: Christopher Reeve starring in Monsignor. Liz quoted the ad- I won't. Much discussion as to how this classifies as SF. It was not very wonderful and is thankfully lost to posterity.

(Liz) Minicult: Atari coming out with ET cartridge.

(RVH) Albanian motion on Tom Galloway. Passes many-3-3 +Spehn.

Tom Galloway gives his impression of a floundering Chinese opera singer attempting to make a motion. He appears to be appealing to the Skinner.

Skinner says it's time to legitimize the pseudo-Onseck. KRJ expressed enthusiasm. But I'm illegitimate by definition.

(MJG) Move to appoint JME Onseck since Wendy abandoned us and moved to Albania. Passes many-5-6 +Spehn.

(RVH) Move to censure KM for not bringing banana daiquiris to the meeting. Chickens, any numbers you want +Spehn.

(RVH) Move to gag Moon Zappa with a banana. Chickens out (Skinner: "...make 'em up.").

Rabbits have no (tails at all) x3.

Rabbits have no tails at all, just a powder puff 5 times.

Meeting adjourned, 1720 SST.

Disrespectfully submitted,
Janice Eisen, Onseck