MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, December 3, 1982

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Tim Huckelbery, LHE and Pseudo-Skinner, presiding.

(Chip Hitchcock) Move to censure the minutes as being too coherent.

(TLH) Move to censure the minutes as being too long.

They second each other's motions. (Tom Galloway enters. TLH: "Damn. Why couldn't you have been Judy?" What a metaphysical question.) Both motions pass 7 or so-4 and a finger-3 +Spehn.

(Hitchcock) Motion to condemn 2 randoms for not voting at all. Chickens 2-2-my goodness, quite a few +Spehn.

(TG) Motion to commend 2 randoms for not voting at all for good taste. Passes 4 and a touchdown-1 extra point-3 needs to use bathroom +Spehn.


Committee Reports

(TLH) Moocomm: Sometime within the next year, a movie will come out called The Star Chamber.

(TG) Motion to quickly copyright "Star Chamber" and sue the movie company. Dies.

(TG) Moocomm: From Russia With Love tonight.

(TLH) Moocomm: National Air and Space Museum showing Just Imagine as part of SF film series.

(B*) Sitcomm: CBS making Man from UNCLE TV movie. Patrick Melke as director of UNCLE.


Old Business

Old Business Algol: um, us, uv, ur.


New Business

(TG) Motion to buy Skinner a teleprompter. (Especially pseudo-Skinners who lack sleep.) Passes 11-3-6 +Spehn.

(JME) Minicult: Microsurgeon, by Imagics- a video game cartridge. Apparently based on Fantastic Voyage. (MG) And Commie Mutants from Outer Space. (TLH) And Custer's Revenge.

(TLH) Motion to buy Commie Mutants for the Society. (TG) FA- And not to buy a TV set and Atari. Passes lots and lots of bouncing boys and girls-2-5 +Spehn.

(JME) Motion to buy the Society a banana-colored Albanian phrasebook. Passes 10 1/2-9-7 +Spehn. Amendment to be discussed next week.

Meeting adjourned, 17:20:48 SST.

Boredly submitted,
Janice Eisen, Onseck