MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

"Friday", February 20, 1983

MITSFS meeting called to order in room 889, 1700 SST, Tim Huckelbery, LHE and Pseudo-Skinner, presiding.

(This meeting took place exactly one minute before the end of the last meeting and lasted exactly 59 seconds.)

Many bad motions concerning the minutes were made and ignored, including a very bad pun by Tom Galloway which receives loud moans and groans.

(TLH) Motion to approve minutes as almost as bad as Tom Galloway. Passes that looks good-I don't see anybody at all-3 +Spehn.

(JME) Albanian motion on Tom Galloway. That looks even better-1-one bare foot and an arm +Spehn.


Committee Reports

(A^2) Vice Report: I'm back. And I'm not leaving.

(TLH) Skinnercomm: Where is she?

Merryl (People's Albanian Embassy) attempted to translate a motion made by Galloway. Unsuccessfully.

(JME) Etruscan motion on Malcolm Y. Passes by white ballot.

Phonecomm: ring!

(TLH) Motion to condemn A^2 for being coherent answering the phone. 15-half a leg-5 legs and 1 arm +Spehn.

(RCH) Moocomm: The movie schedule is over.


Old Business

(Carl Gentilly) This is the first meeting I've attended since 1956, and they're exactly the same.

Old Business Algol.

(JME) Motion to give Tom Galloway a better gag. Passes 13-1-2 +Spehn.



New Business

(Robert Sacks) MIT Treasurer's Office will be sending papers soon to establish endowment.

(JME) Motion to commend Robert Sacks for giving us money. Passes by acclamation.

(MJG) Minicult: Woman selling buttons didn't know and is mortified. But it probably won't cost her more than 3 sales, so she's not worried about it.

A Minicult was given in Etruscan. The LHE was able to understand it through the magic powers of the gavel. On hearing it, he changed his mind.

(Albanian) Minicult: In the Boskone book, Mack Reynolds says NESFA has access to a library second only to Forry Ackerman's (i.e. the MITSFS library).

(JME) Motion to generally condemn NESFA. Passes lots and lots-8-3 +Spehn.

Liz points out that 4 randoms aren't voting. They say they were told to vote by Liz, and therefore did not vote.

(JME) Motion to commend them for their good taste and restraint. Passes 43-3-5 +Spehn.

Rabbits have NO tails at all...

Meeting adjourned, 17:00:59 SST.

Warpedly submitted,
Janice Eisen, Onseck