MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, August 12, 1983

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Tim Huckelbery, President and Skinner, presiding.

(RcH) Motion to approve minutes as red. Passes 8-3-5 and a whirlybird +Spehn.

(Hitchcock) Motion to condemn van der Heide as boring. Passes about everybody-7-4 +Spehn.


Committee Reports

(A^2) Moocomm: Remake of Body Snatchers tonight in Dolby.

(B*) Pseudo-Moocomm: A while back, Hollywood police arrested someone for having about 1200 cans of stolen film, including some film believed to be lost forever.

(MJG) StarWarscomm: On the radio today, plots for the other 2 trilogies reported. First 3- destruction of Jedi and rise of Empire. Will feature Obi-Wan, Anakin, and possibly Luke as a baby. Second 3- destruction of Empire and renewed rise of Jedi. May feature Luke as an old man. Characters appearing in all 9 will be C3PO and R2D2.

(Broadbent) Fweekcomm: Claims he can't get R/O office to tell him when Freshman Midway is. Tim suggests he pretend he's Shirley McBay.

(Dumas) Moocomm: New STrek movie (The Search for Spock) will start filming in about a week. It will feature Mark Lenard and Dame Judith Anderson, 82-year-old noted British Shakespearean actress.

Some discussion of Spock as a radioactive vampire.

(Dumas) Whocomm: 20th anniversary Dr. Who show soon.

(TLH) T-shirtcomm: Asks for suggestions on colors. All the suggestions are bad.

Onward to...


Old Business

OBA and all the usual...


New Business

(JME) Albanian motion on van der Heide. Ties 7-3-6 +Spehn. Skinner passes.

(TLH) Minicult: There will be a Dragonriders of Penn video game.

Robert van der Heide waves the Reserve Banana around in Albanian. Merryl translates it. Passes 47-32-12 +Hike! +Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, 17something SST.

Gloomily submitted,
Janice Eisen, Vice and Pseudo-Onseck