MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, October 28, 1983

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Tim Huckelbery, President and Skinner, presiding.

(JME) Motion to approve the minutes as lots more interesting than the meeting. Passes 17-3-3 +3 clucks +Spehn.


Committee Reports

(TLH) Moocomm: Fantastic weekend! Poltergeist, Bond, Dracula ('79 version).

The last receives pants from some of the female members.

(Flynn) Pseudo-Moocomm: Science advisor for Brainstorm- Dirk Pearson.

(MJG) Playcomm: Joe Haldeman's play opened in Chicago. He liked it. Mixed reviews but lots of space.

(TLH) Incrediblyweirdcomm: Shroud of Turin lecture attracted over 500 people.

(JME) Bonzocomm: President Reagan gave a wonderful fantasy speech last night.

(B*) Whocomm: WGBH will not be showing the 20th anniversary Dr. Who special.

(TLH) Timecomm: We fall back Sunday morning.

(JME) Playcomm: Classic fantasy The Tempest by Shakespeare Ensemble this weekend.

In a cloud of orange smoke, we find ourselves in...


New Business

(Broadbent) Minicult: My yearbook picture was taken at the keyholder desk.

(Flynn) Minicult: Pia Zadora will star in a low-budget SF film called Attack of the Rock n' Roll Aliens.

Skinner displays a bat his mother sent him.

(JME) Motion to reaffirm the Society's faith in the Great Pumpkin. Passes unanimously.

(Random) Minicult: Exeter Street getting original floor-show cast for Rocky Horror tonight.

(JME) Motion to commend the US for invading a banana republic. Passes by acclamation.

Meeting adjourned, 17:24:32 SST.

Janice Eisen, Vice and Pseudo-Onseck