MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, January 20, 1984

MITSFS meeting called to order, not 1700 SST, Tim Huckelbery, President and Skinner, presiding.

(B*) Move to approve the minutes as drunk. Fails 3-more than 3-about the same amount +Spehn.

Move to approve minutes as da... (Dies.)

(TLH) Move to approve the minutes. Passes, so there.


Committee Reports

(JME) NESFAcomm: TLH received a call asking for TLH, president of NESFA.

(John Dumas) Whocomm: Tom Baker's 50th birthday.

(TLH) Moocomm: Casino Royale Saturday- good print. Heavy Metal Sunday, Dark Star Wednesday.

(A^2) Panthercomm: Inventory was- thanks for the help.

(MJG) Draftcomm: I hate drafting.

(JME and TLH) Exoduscomm: Meeting at Sunday at 2:00- be there. Closing at midnight tonight.

(TLH) Note- Charlie Horning has turned in his key.

(B*) Calendarcomm: We have an embarrassment of riches (abundant number of calendars).

(TLH) Moocomm: During the first showing of Cat People, we had a girl who gave a long moan in the middle of the show. (Aaaaah!)


Old Business

OBA, etc., etc.


New Business

Think, think, think...

(MJG) I'm drawing the new room if anyone wants to see it.

(A^2) Miller motion. Fails.

(KM) Miller motion. Passes.

Meeting adjourned, even more after 1700 SST.

I'm back, everyone; it's about time, isn't it?
Andy Su, Onseck