MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 16, 1984

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Tim Huckelbery, President and Skinner, presiding.

(JME) Move to approve minutes as acoustic. Chickens 3-7-7 +Spehn.

(B*) Miller motion. Fails.

Minutes chicken for lack of a reasonable motion.


Committee Reports

(JME) Pseudo-Moocomm: Android opens today- good reviews.

Much flaming on this and Ice Pirates.

(TLH) Moocomm: Splash is out- good reviews from many people.

(A^2) Moocomm: Deathstalker is out.

Again much flaming (on how bad it will be).

(JME) Pseudo-Moocomm: Monty Python and the Holy Grail tonight.

(GF) Pseudo-Greasecomm: Our Skinner is so greasy, he appears in 2 separate stories in the Tech. (TLH) Yeah, they even spelled my name right in one of them.

(Adam) Junkcomm: Emily and the other dead microfiche reader may leave, but the Office of Facilities Management sent us a 5 page form and said we'd only be charged a nominal fee to remove them.

(JME) ASAcomm: The Skinner was rejected as secretary of ASA by a short, greasy female.

(JME) Enthusiasmcomm: It's obvious that the Skinner loves meetings.

Phonecomm: Ring.


Old Business

(B*) Gunkelcomm: He called up the dean's office complaining about our behavior. (TLH) "Bunch of punks."

OBA, usual everything.


New Business

(MJG) Ken Meltsner is thinking of reviewing some of our books for the Tech, as we keep getting free review copies.

(JME) Books will be available for review- see me.

(GF) Minicult: Tomorrow is the deadline for Hugo nominations.

(TLH) Gavelcomm: A fantastic display of sheer circus-quality talent by our Skinner as he balances the gavel in his hand.

Miller motion. Passes.

Meeting adjourned, 17:14:32 SST (Hike!).

Lovingly submitted,
Andy Su, Onseck