MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 23, 1984

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Tim Huckelbery, President and Skinner, presiding.

(A^2) Move to approve the minutes as intelligible. Passes lots-1-few voices +Spehn.

Here follows several juicy raspberries to test Tron's mike response.


Committee Reports

(A^2) Moocomm: Deathstalker was indeed horrible- it managed to make sex and violence boring.

(Adam) Moocomm: Ice Pirates- ok in parts but takes itself too seriously sometimes (wow).

(B*) Pseudo-Moocomm: ST III rumors- Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon commander, James B. Sikking (from Hill Street) as captain of Excalibur, return of Kevin Reilly. (TLH) Note- in ST II Mr. Kyle returned as a transporter operator. (B*) One of the ships will be the USS Grissom (after our Gus Grissom), plot- old Enterprise bridge crew and Scott and McCoy hijack the Enterprise to find Spock, may end with the second court-martial of Kirk.

(A^2) Dunecomm: Heretics of Dune is out at Paperback Booksmith.

(Adam) Grogocomm: Technique misspelled TLH's name as "Buckleberry." It will be corrected but will remain in the B's.

(Adam) Screwcomm: Dave Broadbent did well in Big Screw.

(B*) Note on ST III- sneak preview May 23, opening early June.


Old Business

OBA, usual motion, second, vote, result.


New Business

(ATS) Minicult: A sad note- the 80-year-old man whose wheelchaired wife terrorized him for 3 days died this Monday.

(TLH) A moment of silence, please (but only a short moment).

(TLH) Miller motions, please?

Adjournment song barely started...

Meeting adjourned, 17:11:25 SST, so there.

Andy Su, Your faithful Onseck