MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, December 7, 1984

MITSFS meeting REcalled to order, 1700 SST, Janice Eisen, President and Skinner, presiding.

(JME) Even though the meeting hasn't officially begun yet, we've already passed a motion that Adam officially sucks and an Albanian motion on Herb.

(BPS) You'll never know what the Albanian motion was for, Adam!

Minutes of the previous meeting (11/30/84) not available. (Pre-previous meeting was 11/16.)


Committee Reports

(ATS) LHE Report: equity level 4720.07 as of 11/84, and a profit of 847.22 mainly from a 600-dollar check from the MIT library fund. (Bravos.)

(JME) Skinner Report: We're trying to put together a MITSFS team for the College Bowl as was done last year very successfully. We need 4 people, and anybody interested should talk to me soon since the deadline is next Friday. Preferably students.

BPS says "That's not Adam either" as a random person walks in.

(Somebody) Flattercomm: On the other side of Judy Brown's (I Like Them Big and Stupid, The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun) only album is a song called "I Married an Alien."

(AA) Panthercomm: We now have Douglas Adams' new book, So Long and Thanks for All the Fish- as all the advertising says, the fourth book in the Hitchhiker's trilogy.

(JME) Motion to commend the advertisers for accuracy. (KM) With a banana! Naahed to death.

(ATS) Godotcomm: I'm still waiting for my Macintosh, but my copy of Hitchhiker's: The Game has arrived.

(JME) It contains such accessories as a microscopic battle fleet, a piece of fluff, no tea, peril-sensitive sunglasses, a promotional brochure, and destruction orders for a home and a planet.

Discussion of possible Mac attack via Vogon poetry. Repeat of BPS's "That's not Adam either" with another random.

(JME) IAPcomm: We have 3 listings in the IAP guide, including an announcement of the Hitchhiker's marathon on Sunday 1/20.

Comments and discussion on activities.

(BPS) Moocomm: 16 years later, it's 9 years later, and 2010 opens tonight. (Yawns.) Mixed reviews. At Sack Charles and 2 of the Somerville 12.

(KM) Which would amount to about 1/4 of a real screen.

(JME) Moocomm: Being There tonight, and Bringing Up Baby with Cary Grant as a paleontologist, and I can't think of much that's more science fictional.

(Discussion of Spenser Tracy as MIT computer expert.

(BPS) Sitcomm: V is getting a lead nasty named Charles, as you will have Charles and Diana. (Clapping.) He'll be played by Duncan Regger, the actor who plays Dirk Blackpool on Wizards and Warriors.

(JME) Sitcomm: Twilight Zone returning to TV. They've hired Harlan Ellison to make sure their scripts haven't been done millions of times before.

(KM) Also, "Amazing" will be the name of a show.

Repeat of BPS's "That's not Adam either" with yet another random. Long interruption for discussion of the broken clutch-pedal support the person is holding.


Old Business

(SSDT) Glob's TV guide reported The Ewok Adventure as "first TV premiere by George ("Return of the Jedi") Lewis." The Ewok Adventure will also be released as a Christmas movie.

(MTG) Move to commend the Glob for saving George Lucas's good name. Passes by Skinnerial decree and acclamation.

Something with a thick Albanian accent (nobody noticed the accent) about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer turning 20 and drinking in Massachusetts.

(MTG) The famous author Maurice le Blanc must have discovered a time machine; when he couldn't sell his novel The Secret of Sarek, he sent it back to 1920 and sold it then. It's not about Vulcans. We have a circulating hardcover.

(JME) If the publishing company had any sense they could reissue that now.

Repeat of BPS's "That's not Adam either" once again.

OBA: um, us, uv, ur, watud? Repeat of BPS's "That's not Adam either."


New Business

(JME) It snowed. Also, Dean McBay managed to annoy not only LSC and the pro-porn forces, but Elizabeth Smela and the anti-porn forces.

(BPS) Isn't Pro Femina something you get from whole wheat?

Much discussion of other cases of administrative oppression. Another "That's not Adam either," and a Miller motion is no-not-yelled.

(RKW) I picked up the 120-dollar first edition of The Talisman, but I don't have slipcases for them yet.

(KM) Glob story on ADP sex scandal managed to mention the Thursday sex scandal of 7 years ago, which we never seem to be able to get away from.

(JME) New books in: Merchants' War (sequel to Space Merchant), Mars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand (Delaney) (another "That's not Adam either"), a Soulrider, a V book, Champions of the Che, the 8th novel of the Diadem trilogy...

Reminder to write in new hours when when you cross yours out.

A motion to commend a wiffle bat for being banana-colored is ignored.

Another "That's not Adam either," the subject of which says "I've walked in 3 times and haven't turned into Adam yet." BPS: "Well, keep working on it."

A Miller motion fails 9-too many-4 or 5 and a bunch of squawks +Spehn. Another Miller motion is drowned out by 5 verses of Rabbits.

Meeting adjourned, 1745 SST.

Sincerely submitted,
Susan S.D. Tucker, Pseudo-Onseck