MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, February 21, 1986

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Andy Su, President and Skinner, presiding.

Minutes of the previous meeting (2/14/86) impossible for anyone but the absent Onseck to decipher.

JAH: Move to approve the minutes as invisible. Passes pi-e-sqrt(2) +Spehn, and finger motions start flying for no apparent reason.

JME: Motion to commend whoever put the Jabba the Hutt on the model of the Enterprise. Passes by acclaim.


Committee Reports

JME: Gavelcomm: a Labrador retriever is recovering after having a 10" wrench in its stomach for a month. Article attached. Also, Andy Porter showed up late at the MITSFS party and said George Scithers was fired from Amazing. He used to edit Asimov's.

JME: Whooshcomm: the Russians put up a fairly permanent space station, with private cabins and 6 docking ports, but haven't manned it yet. Article attached.

Someone's motion to commend the Russians for helping us keep on schedule passes lots-1 nyet-a few +Spehn.

BPS: Mobcomm: I filled in a few tiny gaps at Boskone, most notably the Dune Encyclopedia.

RvdH: We both got Heroes in Hell for MITSFS, free.

JME: Huntcomm: The Lunarians won. The most creative entry was from an individual. We asked for a monolith, and she brought a case of vaguely correct proportions. Then she opened it, and out fell all these stick-on stars.

CH: Moocomm: Monty Python's Holy Grail tonight at LSC.

ATS: Skinner Report: I was attacked by a Scientologist. Ad attached.

CH: Sitcomm: Monkees marathon coming, about 22 hours worth. Attached.


Old Business

JME: Move to commend L. Ron Hubbard for still being dead. No vote.

JME: Write for TZ! Also, Infocom has been bought out by Activision. They should never have tried to go into business software.

OBA: um, us, uv, ur.


New Business

JME: Minicult: The Missouri senate had to overturn a committee action which was going to renumber Bill 666 due to religious complaints. The difficulty was considered comparable to last year's flap over a proposed bill to regulate public nose-blowing. Article attached.

KM: Pepsi owns 7Up, and Coke bought Dr. Pepper. RC is looking for a deal with Coke too.

CH: WWN Report: A British Navy parrot was court-martialed for attacking Scottish people, and smokers are highway hazards. Articles attached.

Paul Dworkin: Gary Larson's lecture sold out Kresge. He showed slides of some Far Side cartoons that the papers wouldn't publish.

Phonecomm: No, Lisa Nanney isn't here.

Against a background of Rabbits comes a motion to send the British Royal Navy a dead parrot stuffed with bananas. Passes everybody-the parrot-the parrot's cousins +Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, 1725 SST.

Sincerely submitted,
Susan S.D. Tucker, Onseck