MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139


November 3rd, 1989

bing MITSFS meeting called to order, Friday, November 3rd, 1989, 1700 $+ \sigma$ SST, Philip J. Nesser, President and Skinner presiding.

(PJN) Motions concerning the minutes?

(HAM) hahahahaha!

(PJN) Motion fails, 2 to 5 to 3 plus Spehn.

(CMA) Motion to approve the minutes as non-dairy milk

Motion passes 11 to 1 to 3 plus Spehn.

bing Committee Reports

(G F) People's Albanian Embassy - A couple of months ago, Boston Magazine had an article on food which included the following joke: I've read books on Cooking with Flowers, Cooking with Sun-Ripened Tomatos, Cooking with Kiwis, and Cooking with Albanians, etc.

Lots of silly motions are proposed and either shot down or passes by Skinnerial Decree.

bing Old Business

Old business Algol - Usual everything: bing

New Business

(S G) Something about a buffet for Men Who Cook

(HAM) Mini Cult - Robert Heinlein has been put on the ballot for Commencement speaker.

(HAM) Motion to ignore that with a banana.

Motion fails 4 to 6 to 1 plus Sphen.

Phil seizes upon a totally obsure and unknown motion with the word “banana” in it, and enforces a vote upon it.

Motion passes, 6 to 4 to 2 plus Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, 1710 SST.

Respectfully submitted,

Derrick Kong, Onseck