MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139


December 8th, 1989

bing MITSFS meeting called to order, Friday, December 8th, 1989, 1700 SST, Philip J. Nesser, President and Skinner presiding.

(PJN) Motions concerning the minutes?

(WDS) Move to force feed the fileserver bananas until it revives.

Motion passes, 10 to 4 to 1 plus Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, 1701 SST.

Time warp back to the meeting.

(WDS) Sit Comm - Beauty and the Beast returns Wednesday and self-destructs.

(PJN) Mob Comm - We made a New England Mobile Run on Saturday.

(LAK) Write for TZ!

Time warp closes and meeting ends.

Respectfully submitted,

Derrick Kong, Onseck