MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139


July 6th, 1990

bing MITSFS meeting called to order, Friday, July 6th, 1990, 1700 SST, Derrick Kong, LHE and pseudo-Skinner presiding.

No Onseck. No minutes.

(JRP) Motion to approve the minutes as ethereal.

Motion passes 6 to 4 to 4 plus Spehn.

bing Committee Reports

(SST) MortComm: Whistle, splat. David [unrecognizable], 4th year Mech E student, fell off the Senior House balcony.

(XXX) People's Albanian Embassy: The revolution has started.

(WDS) MooComm: Unlike its predecessor, Die Hard II is fantasy.

(D K) MooComm sub two: The original Die Hard at LSC tomorrow at 8:00.

(C H) It's a BIG SCREEN MOVIE -- see it at a theater.

(XXX) MooComm sub three: Robocop 2 is also fantasy...

(WDS) Cornelia Otis: something about unemployment in the U.S.

bing Old Business


New Business

(C H) The new Wild Cards book is out.

(SST) I tried to visit the aircraft carrier in Boston Harbor today. Wait time was 4 hours.

(C H) I hear the Soviet space exhibit is really good.

(A A) Miller Motion.

(D K) Fails.

Second Miller Motion passes a lot to 1 to 4 plus Spehn.

Meeting adjourns, 17:13 SST.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Poole, Onseck