MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139


July 27th, 1990

bing MITSFS meeting called to order, Friday, July 27th, 1990, 1700 SST, John Conger, President and Skinner presiding.

bing Committee Reports

(KRJ) Well, whatever I am, I could report on PulpCon. I spent lots of money buying only a small number of things. Amongst our purchases: I got three more issues of Dusty Ayres and his Battle Birds. I bought Weird Tales -- three issues from 1926 at a hair over $50 apiece. (That's the cheapest I've seen one of these in a long time.)

(WDS) How much of our collection does this fill in?

(KRJ) A miniscule amount.

(WDS) BrokeComm -- We have no money.

(JCC) So don't buy anything!!!

(WDS) Maybe that should be TrumpComm.

(WDS) MooComm / SitComm -- I saw the ad for Arachnophobia. Where the fuck are Terry Racoda and Tipper Gore and all the rest when you need something censored on TV? Yecch! Goddamned spiders crawling out of pipes...

(RGH) SitComm sub two: I saw Richard Nixon live.

bing Old Business

(WDS) Twenty-first anniversary last week of the moon landing.


bing New Business

(JCC) Zwitter press thingy -- something nominated for a Readercon small press award from a former MIT student. Something called Weisenbaum's Eye by George Stetton.

(WDS) What's that doing on our door?

(KRJ) Harold Zitzow died.

(WDS) MiniCult -- anyone have the misfortune to see or hear Roseanne Barr's rendition of the Star Mangled Spanner?

(A A) Tom Galloway might be stopping by in the near future.

(D K) Miller motion.

(JCC) Fails.

(WDS) Miller motion redux.

(JCC) Passes!

Meeting adjourns, 1710 and 33 seconds SST.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Poole, Onseck