MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139


October 5th, 1990

bing MITSFS meeting called to order, Friday, October 5th, 1990, 1700 SST, John Conger, President and Skinner presiding.

(S G) Motion to transmit the minutes to the Borg.

Motion passes 7 to 6 to 2 plus Spehn.

bing Committee Reports

(WDS) Whooshcomm: They found a 70 pound beam rattling around inside the shuttle.

bing Old Business

(LAM) Andy's gone. But we had our ravs!

(JCC) Yeah, the ALGOL is now minus the ravs clause.

(JCC) We had an inventory.


bing New Business

(JCC) I'm going to have an LSC slide advertising MITSFS during Total Recall.

(WDS) Boston Red Sux.

(JRP) The first NC17 rated movie came out. And NC17 is copyrighted.

(HAM) Motion to (something) a bananna to be rated NC17.

Motion passes 6 to 5 to 3 plus Spehn.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Poole, Onseck