MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139


February 15th, 1991

bing MITSFS meeting called to order, Friday, February 15th, 1991, 1700 SST, John Conger, President and Skinner presiding.

(Steph) (Moves to advertise for a new Onseck in the Phoenix.)

Motion passes 6 to 4 to 4 plus Spehn.

(KRJ) If we can't get an Onseck, can we get the lady wrestler?

bing Committee Reports

(JCC) Mobcomm... Adina said she didn't have the stuff done for this week, so she'll hopefully have it done for next week. Pianocomm -- Robert van der Heide turned in his key because he is in Japan.

(New Person) (Introduces self, and wants to be a keyholder.)

(WDS) Concomm -- Bhoskone, this weekend... Nowhere near here. Springfield, Massachusetts.

bing Old Business

(HAM) I'm feeling really old today. Final freeze for our product was today, because it ships out...


bing New Business

(WDS) New legal precedent -- A God now has legal standing in the court (in England). The God Shiva was listed as one of the five plaintiffs in the lawsuit. (Something about a really expensive statue that got stolen by British imperialist pigs.)

(HAM) tiredly Miller motion.

(WDS) Second Miller motion.

Meeting adjourns 1706 SST.

(JCC) Rob, I know you never listen to these...

Ah, but I do, John.

(JCC) ... but if you do, please write it up for next week.

(HAM) Your name is MUD.

Actually, it's Muck, so Fuck You.

Anal retentively submitted,

Robert Poole, Onseck