MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139


March 1st, 1991

bing MITSFS meeting called to order, Friday, March 1st, 1991, 1700 SST, John Conger, President and Skinner presiding.

(MSY) Move to approve the minutes as pastel pink because they weren't completely read. (Heh.)

Motion passes 7 to 1 to 4 plus Spehn.

bing Committee Reports

(JCC) MobComm -- Tomorrow at 10:00, Adina will be here to pick up people to go on the N. E. Mobile run.

(DKK) Whooshcomm -- Discovery was pulled off the pad because its doors have cracks in the hinges.

(S G) Rosfap report -- Three SF related classes will be taught by me to local HS students under auspices of the MIT ESP.

Lots of flaming about whether it is a good thing to have lots of local High School kids touring MITSFS.

bing Old Business

(JCC) Got a note from Brian Knight, says he used to be a keyholder. Left us a donation of $50. Says he still has his key. We should write him a letter for the donation.

ALGOL mubles the USUAL.

bing New Business

(S T) BladeRunner is this weekend.

(C H) I saw Silence of the Lambs this past weekend, and it is damn good.

(S G) Minicult -- Penn and Teller are here. Go see them.

(MSY) Minicult -- In the Globe, there was a woman who wanted to give her cat a belated present of a video called “Video Cat Nap,” and she said she couldn't find it anywhere.

(JCC) There is a motion on the floor to make a video to entertain bananas.

Motion passes 14 to 4 to 2 plus Spehn.

Meeting adjourns 1716 SST.

The narc was here to pay his fine,

Robert Poole, Onseck