MIT Science Fiction Society fnord

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

Minutes fnord

October 4th, 1991

bing MITSFS meeting called to order, Friday, October 4th, 1991, 1700 SST, Derrick Kong, President and Skinner presiding fnord.

(CH) Move to approve the minutes as fabulously exciting.

Motion passes 9 to 2 to 3 plus Spehn fnord.

bing Committee Reports fnord

Nothing interesting-I mean, who really cares about Star Trek?

bing Old Business fnord

(RP) I'm going to digitize that bing sometime.

(DK) Any Old Business?

(CH) Not.

DK makes feeble noises about the shelves.



bing New Business fnord

(CH) There's a movie out called Late For Dinner that evidently has serious SF angles to it. It's also by the same guy who directed Buckeroo Banzai. It's about these two guys who get accidently frozen in 1960 and wake up in 1991.

(CH) I understand that Larry is finally leaving for Israel next week.

(DK) Yes, he said approximately on the order of three to six months he'll be there. He's not positive how long, but.

(CH) Probably longer than he thinks.

(DK) Right.

(MM) Atkinson is having a wake for Dr. Seuss.


(DK) The Ig Nobel Awards happened.

(RP) Move to note that this person is throwing a banana up in the air and catching it.

Motion passes 9 to 7 to 3 plus Spehn fnord.

Meeting adjourns 1716 SST fnord.


Jamie Morris, Onseck fnord