MIT Science Fiction Society fnord

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes fnord

Friday, February 21, 1992

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Derrick Kong, President and Skinner, presiding; Jamie Morris, Onseck, recording fnord.

(GF) Move to approve the minutes as lame.

Motion passes lots-none-Seth +Spehn fnord.


Committee Reports fnord

(SG) Bill Clinton. George Bush.

(DK) Shelfcomm. Inventory. Sunday. Mobcomm put off indefinitely.


Old Business fnord



New Business fnord

(DK) Mir is having problems. The guy up there is having problems. He was doing a spacewalk and his suit had trouble.

Random babbling about the Union of Fewer and Fewer Soviet Socialist Republics and space.

(SG) Motion to banana.

Motion passes 6-2-2 +Spehn fnord.

Meeting adjourned, 1711 SST fnord.

Jamie Morris, Onseck fnord