MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Minutes of the Conspiracy to Appoint Jamie to Everything Meeting

Friday, May 28, 1993

The meeting consisted of adopting one motion:

Whereas those members of the MIT organization cleped MITSFS are waiting for their honored leader to show up, and whereas this honored leader has not appeared for the second time in a row, and whereas the Onseck and the Vice are feeling peevish, we, the aforementioned members of MITSFS, resolve to fabricate minutes that state therein that Jamie Morris, as said disappearing honored leader, President, and Skinner, will have agreed to complete the famous Inventory of the MITSFS singlehandedly and alone, upon the weekend of his return. These aforementioned fabricated minutes are to be presented at the first meeting at which Jamie is actually in attendance.

Meeting adjourned, and the officers present departed to consume Chinese food.

Respectfully submitted,
Marcus Sarofim, Onseck