MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Minutes of the Banana Colored Meeting

Friday, July 9, 1993

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jamie Morris, President and Skinner, presiding; Marcus Sarofim, Onseck, recording.

Jamie: Fermat's Theorem can indeed be undecidable, as long as it's unprovably undecidable.

Leah: something about orthogonal.

Jamie: I'd love to go orthogonal with you sometime, Leah, but currently we're having a meeting.

Motion to condemn the skinner for doing obscene acts. Chickens 4-4-4 +Spehn.

Motion not to decide the minutes. Passes 11-2-0 +Spehn.


Committee Reports

Inventory happened.

Mobcomm: tomorrow, meeting at the MITSFS at 10. We need directions from Adina though.

Leah: I'd come except that there might be a very loud party in 3rd East tonight, and I might not sleep.

Jamie: you can sleep in my room-

Jamie cracks up.

Jamie: I couldn't say that with a straight face, sorry.


Old Business

The skinner made a pass at Leah and was repulsed.

Motion to condemn the skinner. Inverse skinner rule- commend.


New Business

Flatliners is interesting and different.

Jamie: different from what? Jurassic Park? I was expecting that!

Seth: you know, when I was a kid, anything I didn't like I called "interesting."

Jamie: as long as I'm going to be kept awake by the music, I might as well have some food.

Seth: well, will you be parallel or orthogonal to the food?

Jamie: potato chips don't have a good defined direction.

Seth: so clearly you must sum all of the vectors-

Seth suddenly started speaking in Albanian at this point.


Future Business

A long time passes before Jamie got Seth unalbanianed in order to make a banana motion.

All in favor: millions. All opposed: negative fourteen. All chickens: none.

Meeting adjourned, 1715 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Marcus Sarofim, Onseck