MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, September 17, 1993

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jamie Morris, President and Skinner, presiding; Marcus Sarofim, Onseck, recording.

Will the Onseck please read the minutes? The onseck is not here; however, we do have the minutes...

Leah does an amazing job of reading and shortening the minutes. She conveniently skips certain revealing comments about spools of copper wire...


New Business

Does anyone have any new business, or is this one of these really pathetic meetings where nobody even comes up with any clever banana motions?

(Editorial comment: meeting needs onseck, badly.)

Leah: probably because of you.

Seth: but that's okay, you're the skinner. Even if you're a gully dwarf.

Jamie: I define it to be your fault, Leah.

Leah: you can't do that!

Jamie: I'm the skinner. Of course I can.

Leah: you're pulling rank on me!

Leah refrains from the whip on Jamie...

Move that the Skinner couldn't make a banana if he tried.

Meeting adjourned, 1705 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Marcus Sarofim, Onseck