MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, October 22, 1993

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Chris Hooker, LHE and Pseudo-Skinner, presiding; [Unknown], Onseck, recording.

Thunk. Dink. Dink.

Minutes read.


Committee Reports

Making a lot of copies of Twilight Zine would be really expensive. Surprise. But advertisers might pay something. If they don't know what they're doing.

Sean: so they have some sort of mechanical arm with a laser scanner that swings down the aisle- maybe we should make one of those for the MITSFS. Just type in the name of the book you want, and the arm will go and get it- then we could pack the shelves really tight!


Old Business

Harvard has an SF collection- they stored it in a vault in 1955 and threw away the key.

At this point a motion was made to barcode the minutes for 24 hour retrieval... it chickened, though.


New Business


Chris: I'm doing something wrong.

Sean: you need to hold it at the center of gravity.

Leah: yeah, I can smell that...

Marcus: isn't making fire in the MITSFS punishable by defenestration?

Chris: well, I didn't actually start a fire... yet...

Banana! Second. Hey, that's not a motion!

Keynote speaker at the Marvin Minsky something or other was Arthur C. Clarke, who spoke via telepresence from Sri Lanka, and he said "oh aba eh shra..."


Future Business


Banana banana.

That's a second banana.

Motion passes. BING!

Meeting adjourned, 1705 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
[Unknown], Onseck