MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, April 15, 1994

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Marcus Sarofim, Pseudo-President and Skinner, presiding; Marcus Sarofim, Onseck, recording.

*Thunk* I definitely need practice.

A peon from the ranks says "No it's not! That wasn't a real bing." After disposing of his corpse, the meeting continues...

Will the onseck and pseudo-skinner read the minutes? Minutes read.

Motions concerning the minutes?

No one is very concerned about the minutes.


Committee Reports

Mobcomm run.

All other committees seem to have disappeared.


Old Business

Me: the Astronomer to the Pope is still coming.

Seth: and he's still old.

Jamie: but he's older now- by about a week.

Seth: but the Pope is older than the Astronomer.

Jamie: how old is the Pope?

Seth: probably older than the Astronomer.

The rest of old business gets real old real quick.


New Business

Motion to send the IRS a message saying "we don't pay taxes! Nyah, nyah, nyah!" on banana colored paper.

Seth gesticulates wildly.

Paul appears.

Seth: you summoned Paul with the banana colored motion!

We'll have to kill Seth before he can do it again- we wouldn't want two of them.


Future Business

Move to kill Seth for summoning Dworkin with a banana colored motion.

Motion passes by pseudo-skinnerial decree so the pseudo-skinner can hit the gavel block while Paul's head is still on it.

Meeting adjourned, 1705 SST.

Transcribed with fanatical devotion to the Pope,
Marcus Sarofim, Onseck