MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, February 17, 1995

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Marcus Sarofim, President and Skinner, presiding; Anca Mosoiu, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

M: add "update minutes on web" to Algol. Passes due to sensibility.

Discussion of Skinner box.

Matrix vote passes by decree.

M: commend skinner for passing motions. Passes.

M: commend Innocentcomm for saying "fuck you." Passes.

Innocentcomm commended.


Committee Reports

Mobcomm: new books exist.

M: commend Kevin for having little sibling. Passes by unanimous and then some.

(There is an objection.)

M: Neel Albanian. Passes unanimously.


Old Business


M: Neel to be Atlascomm due to brawn. (Innocentcomm) 1-1-1 +Spehn.

M: offer reward for Kevin's lost conversation. Passes.

Kevin asked what reward- says he'll join MITSFS.

Time warp to committee reports: Table committee alive and well in Kentucky, Minneapolis, West Coast. But we've never heard of it- it is looked up.


New Business

Bridget hypothesizes New Business eloped with Kevin's conversation.

Onseck needs new pad.

Miller motion- fails.

2nd MM- 9-8-11 +Spehn.

3rd MM- 14-4-8 +Spehn, passes.

Meeting adjourned, 1730 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Anca Mosoiu, Onseck