MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, July 7, 1995

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Anca Mosiov, Pseudo-Skinner and Pseudo-Onseck, presiding and recording.

Minutes read.

M: extremely poor minutes. Passes lots-0-1 +Spehn.

M: condemn skinner and [illegible]. No second.

M: condemn both the skinners for dampening bing. 8-3-3 +Spehn.


Committee Reports

Pseudo-Mobcomm: 62 books.

Pseudo-Panthercomm: inventory tomorrow.

Apathycomm report? No.


Old Business

M: commend Andrew for being profound. Fails 3-14-3 +Spehn.

Jamie: plastic toy is fun to [illegible].

A-pro-lost. ?-?-[illegible] +Spehn.

Marcus: no. Chris: no? 2-1-6 +Spehn

Skinner does not demonstrate Chris's motion.



New Business

Miller motion. Fails.

M: condemn Jay for throwing out recycling. 16-2-1 +Spehn.

Good pity discussion.

2nd Miller motion. Chickens by Marcus.

M: condemnify Marcus. 9-5-3 +Spehn.

Condemn, confirm.

M: Holy Trinity of MITSFS. Command: 8-4-9 +Spehn. Condemn. Confirm: 14-4-7 +Spehn. Negative determinant, all fail.


Future Business

M: confirm [illegible] has blinding speed of a banana slug. 10-0-2 +Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, 1730 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Anca Mosiov, Pseudo-Onseck