MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, January 10, 1997

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jay Muchnij, President and Skinner, presiding; [Unknown], Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

Motion to regard minutes as proof of Tara and Milk Jen being same. 14-0-0 +Spehn.


Committee Reports

Pseudo-mobcomm: selling books.

Mobcomm: buying more.

Flogcomm: crack!

Pseudo-analogcomm: new schedule.

Pseudo-moocomm: UHF playing.

Motion to commend UHF passes by skinnerial decree.


Old Business

Bye! (Janelle leaves.) 6-6-6 +Spehn.

Reverse all decisions from last meeting?

Marc Alpert wrote (was skinner when Jamie was born).


New Business

Skinner does assassin thing.

Toby was dissed.

New apprentices doing stuff.


Future Business

Bad B5 jokes.

M: F/NR for freshman. 8-9-10 +Spehn.

Motion to have lackey enterprises donate money to MITSFS. Passes 8-?-? +Spehn.

Motion to declare Ted an iguana. Lots-few-some +Spehn.


Post-Future Business

Finger motion.

Motion to commend Iguana for choice of reading material. 10-40-4 +Spehn.

M: summarize Earth. 5-4-4 +Spehn.

M: banana. BING! Lots-less-few +Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, 1710 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
[Unknown], Onseck