MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 21, 1997

MITSFS meeting called to order, 17? SST, Jay Muchnij, President and Skinner, presiding; [Unknown], Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

M: [illegible] minutes down to microseconds. 4-7-6 +Spehn.


Committee Reports

Jourcomm: deciding April 11.

First? Passes - -3 +Spehn.

Jourcomm wants people to review books.

Someone walks in late.

Ronocomm: apprentices exist, still.


Old Business

Richard Spehn email (onseck 1963).

Someone else walks in late.

Twilight Zine is looking for onseck.

Discussion of Spehn's soul. And Marcus's... and Chris's... and Jamie's.

Pending motion. M: to delay to next week. Passes 10-1-7 +Spehn.


New Business

Jay makes his binging more quiet due to Andrea's request.

M: bing more loudly. Fails, lack of second.

M: Japanese Newtonian Appletree experiment. Passes 10-6-1 +Spehn.


Future Business

We had new business this time.

M: new version of Netscape to cache. Passes hell of a lot-0-0 +Spehn.

Yay, pyramid schemes.

Discussion of George Flynn being the People's Albanian Ambassador and signing out a reserve book.

Subtitles? French?

M: go into Recursive Business. 17-0-3 +Spehn, again and again.


Recursive Business

M: go into business selling recursiveness. And more. Fails for lack of second.

M: tickle Jamie using feathers.

Discussion of cleaning chickens.

Discussion of sorts.

Crank magazines lost- ordered, not to be found. Jen asks "what budget?" Ken?

M: commend Jen for conducting real business during the meeting. Passes by skinnerial decree.

M: go back to Future Business. Passes oh god that's a lot-fewer-even fewer +Spehn.


Future Business

M: to iterate matrix vote! (Jamie) 3-4-1 +Spehn; motion does something really wacky.

M: to banana. Fails 12-20-1 +Spehn.

"Former MIT alum" novel.

"Something interesting may happen midnight of 26th" (next month).

M: accept offer to altar of MITSFS. "Burn it, burn it, burn it in duplicate." Passes more-1-9 +Spehn.

M: commend skinner for being quantum indeterminant. Fails 5-6-chickens don't count +Spehn.

M: protect from banana plague. Passes.

Meeting adjourned, 1720 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
[Unknown], Onseck