MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, August 7, 1998

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, JWH, Pseudo-President and Skinner, presiding; [Unknown], Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

M: declare the minutes more interesting than the meeting. 14-0-3 +Spehn.


Committee Reports

Sitcomm: Third Space continues to suck.

Mobcomm: we have the novelization of Lost in Space. "Ooohh." We have the novelization of Armageddon. "Damn, it's thin."

Panthercomm: we have a shitload of new books, still.

M: "I have no idea what that was."

M: Help, help, I'm being suppressed.

M: matrix vote!!!

All fail by skinnerial decree.

End of committee reports by skinnerial fiat.


Old Business

M: shut up. 4-4-6 +Spehn. Chickens.

Inventory results discussed again.

M: put an exploding dye packet in our next Brust book. 15-0-0 +Spehn.


New Business, no bing

Floor will be waxed; hopefully they'll miss the books.

M: wax all books by Piers Anthony. frAm. whack; fr.Am wane. 4-4-10 +Spehn.

Bill admits to being on acid and sees elephants.

Elephant defeats Boris by skinnerial decree.

We say "hi" to new people.

Vani flees.

Telzey toy's heart is exhibited.


Future Business

Discussion of R/O.

"Frosh will exist, eventually."

"SAE won't, eventually."

JM makes airplane joke about drinking problem.

M: condemn JM unilaterally. Hmm-oh-wow +Spehn. Chickens.

Bill sets up the MITSFS computer to mimic his home box.

M: MITSFS to be really boring with a banana. 10-3-10 +Spehn.


M: make that last vote pass. 7-0-lots +Spehn.

M: commend the poultry. 8-4-4 +Spehn.

Miller Motion. Fails.

Miller Motion. 15-0-14 +Spehn.


Begs and pleas to (unreadable).

M: take away (unreadable) voting. 10-0-17 +Spehn.


Miller Motion. 14-0-14 +Spehn.

M: chickens all for Miller Motions. 0-0-15 +Spehn.

M: stuff bananas down throats of chickens. 10-0-20 +Spehn.


M: banana. 19-0-5 +Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, 1800 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
[Unknown], Onseck