MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, August 6, 1999

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jamie Morris, Pseudo-President and Skinner, presiding; John F. Carr, Pseudo-Onseck, recording.

A skinnerless, onseckless meeting.

Minutes read.

M: commend minutes for being read in an exciting manner. 5-2-10 +Spehn. Christa: "Am I allowed to reuse limbs?"

M: commend minutes as having bike shorts on underneath. Passes!


Committee Reports

Inventory happened.

CTcomm: nothing interesting there. Discussion of the unused 4-level stack interchange on I-84 west of Hartford.

Phonecomm: ring!

M: condemn Jay for being so darn sweet! 8-0-notenough +Spehn.

Is Christa a nun? She once dyed her hair gray-green.

Books piling up in ZGT.

Discussion of whether bondage is subset of S+M.

Panthercomm: Dexmistress forgot to unlock datadex.


Old Business

No young people here.

Jay and Christa are not melting.

Discussion of the spelling of Christa.

M: commend Professor (something) for (something). Christa goes on the floor! 6-Christa writhing on the floor-? +Spehn. Passes!

"It's Professor Muchnij." "No, Steve Tyler."

MITSFS has a mirror. Long discussion of "closer than it appears."



New Business

Jen is melting into a coughing puddle of slime, like an Ellison short...


Cryptonomicon might have a good ending.

Let Neil Stephenson write "Wheel of Time" (and Jordan write "Snow Crash": "current trickled across the net...").


Future Business

In the future, the real skinner will be here...

Motion fails, no second.

M: have Jamie scritch a banana. (Christa twitches.) 15-writhing Christa-2 +Spehn.

Jade enters to applause. "The goddess enters!"

Meeting adjourned, 1730 SST, Jade now presiding.

Respectfully submitted,
John F. Carr, Pseudo-Onseck