MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, November 12, 1999

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jenwa Hsung, President and Skinner, presiding; Natasha Olchanski, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

M: approve minutes as having lots of mention of bananas. Fails 4-12-6 +Spehn.


Committee Reports

Pseudo-natashacomm: Jadecomm sucks.

M: appoint Natashacomm to monitor Natasha's activities. 24-6-0 +Spehn. Discussion of logistics- trial week- then report and appoint 3 best people permanently.

New MIT webpage.

Jade to JM: "You should keep up with the times." JM: "You don't read the Tech and don't know about the Capital campaign." Jade: "What capital campaign?"

Pseudo-pianocomm: Debbie came in and talked to JM about Magdex, then said she would come in yesterday and didn't.

Moocomm: 6-string Samurai showing this weekend.

Mobcomm: should do a run for new books soon to have books for IAP (because skinner isn't going to be there).

Anti-mobcomm: got flyer from a place that buys up collections of books from libraries going out of business.

Pandemonium sale this weekend- 25 percent off. "People buy cheap-ass games on sale?!?"

T-shirtcomm: t-shirts RSN. If we were really evil we would hide one of the t-shirt boxes.


Old Business

Move to commend Natasha for being big. 12-12-12 +Spehn.

Move to call Natasha something that means "small" in Chinese.

Some motions about nicknames for Natasha fail.

M: swap Jay and Jade's names. Passes 17-12-0 +Spehn.

M: call all members Natasha. Fails.


New Business

Library needs more shelves.

Jay's [actually Jade's] brother (1 year younger than Jay [actually Jade]) got a girlfriend- Jay [actually Jade] outraged. "He turned into one of those guys who only hangs out with girls- it's him and a gaggle of girls." WDS: "How awful for him."

M: condemn and commend Jay and Jade and their respective siblings. Passes 14-smaller-much smaller +Spehn.


Future Business

M: commend Cthulhu for wearing Yevgenia under it. Passes.

Discussion about Cthulhu.

Motion to obtain banana colored Cthulhu for the library. Passes.

Meeting adjourned, 1733 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Natasha Olchanski, Onseck