MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS meeting minutes

Friday, January 28, 2000

MITSFS meeting called to order, 17:00 SST, January 28, 2000

Aaron Ucko, pseudo-skinner, presiding (``Where's our Jenwa?'' -- JM)

John Carr, pseudo-onseck (what's Natasha's excuse this week?)

Motion: dream of electric cattle prods [JH]. Fails 6-8-4+Spehn. Jamie exclaims ``Dick Sucks!''

Committee Reports

Motion to rename ``Jourcomm'' to ``Jourcomm Officer'' fails 7-15-Spehn.

Panthercomm [JH] requests that review books get tags. By this he means that star chamber members should learn to recognize review books.

Mobcomm [JFC]: no new books.

Mopcomm [JFC]: the muddy floor is now dirty, a great improvement. (``The library was being terraformed'' says Jamie.)

Officecomm [AMU]: We're probably not getting more space.

Jourcomm [YAN]: posters exist, email sent. The posters feature a 13-fingered motie. Pseudo-jourcomm: submit! Jourcomm: especially if you can draw.

Pseudo-pianocomm: armenard is lame. Justin is lame.

Pseudo-analogcomm: new hours request in new envelope.


Old Business

IAP happened. The MITSFS IAP guide entry and marathon slide did not happen. Natasha didn't get a shelf. The star chamber is lame.

Locus acked our life subscription.

AMU is lame.

T.C. Skinner is not dead. Yet.

Usual motions, etc.

New Business

A semi-large but sub-Shultz donation is coming.

Motion: no new business. Passes 8-1-5+Spehn. In spite of the motion, the meeting continues with more new business.

The February Asimov's has a cute story about a Harvard person and a redneck Cthulhu cult.

The Fetish Flea Fair (?) is tomorrow. Yevgeniya says ``great minds think in parallel gutters.''

``John Carr is turning into Sam Hartman'' -- JH

``Some day we'll have a skinner back...'' -- JM

Motion: ``this picture'' -- JPM. Passes 12-5-10+Spehn. The picture contained a banana so...

Meeting adjourned 17:35 SST.