MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 17, 2000

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jenwa Hsung, President and Skinner, presiding. Natasha Olchanski is the Onseck.

Minutes read.

M: minutes be enshrined on a video with a pyramid. Passes 11-4-1 +Spehn.


Committee Reports

Moocomm: JFC: Mission to Mars really really sucked. Someone: "you fool!"


Pianocomm: JWH: "Jen got her key." J: "Jen Murphy finally got her key. It's about time." Someone: "Not another J!" J: "There can be only one." JWH: "She is too young to be Chamber." Jhawk: "Only young innocent virgins can become skinner."

Still no Picniccomm yet.

Jade was tested for hard liquor allergy. Conclusion: no allergies found.


Old Business

Commend PBS for actually building a pyramid.

Usual result.


New Business

M: get Namco to add to the series of fighting games Soul (Edge, Caliber) a final one: "Soul Gavel." Passes 9-4-5 +Spehn.

M: minute of silence for "Science Fiction Age." 10 seconds of silence. Jhawk's watch was reset, but people failed to shut up.

February Locus still not found.

At a rental: movie "Love, Amoeba Style, Part A" marked "untranslated Chinese" but actually has English subtitles.

Discussion of Love, Amoeba-style.


Future Business

Yevgenia volunteers to be Picniccomm. :)

Some motion about Yevgenia, Jhawk, and bananas passes.

Meeting adjourned, 1730 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Natasha Olchanski, Onseck