MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 24, 2000

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jenwa Hsung, President and Skinner, presiding. Natasha Olchanski is the Onseck.

Minutes read.

M: commend minutes for being carefully observed. Fails, lack of second. (Some people are actually doing work! Gasp!)


Committee Reports

Pseudo-panthercomm: has a lot of work.

Mobcomm: got 3 new hardcovers.

Pseudo-hasslecomm: has a lot of work. (Only a few hundred books to be covered!)

LHE: phone bill problem is fixed. Yay! Several people to deal with changed- the current one seems to suck less than some of the others. Some books' problems got fixed.

M: commend LHE and Onseck for having their minds in the sewer. Passes unanimously.

Jadecomm: Jade is wearing a nice clear plastic barrette.

Natashacomm: RSN.

M: have Natasha give an interim report. Passes.

Onseck: "I became a US citizen yesterday." (Commended for not being a communist anymore.)

JM: "Are you a capitalist?" NO: "I buy things..." JM: "Do you use a credit card?" NO: "Yes..." JM: "Extra capitalist points for credit cards."

JFC: "Even though jhawk is in Australia he is bidding for books."

M: Something about bananas. Chickens.


Old Business

M: condemn skinner for lying. Fails by skinnerial decree.

Onseck: "No, I'm gonna lie about that."

M: condemn someone for aiding and abetting space crunch in the library.

Jade: "Never fly to Chicago." Why? "Because you can never get there."


New Business

Jade: "Let's paint the checkbook invisible." (And the checks clear.) Passes.

JM: "Any progress with prentices?" JWH: "Unclear."

Maybe we should give Stephanie a different project.

MITSFS got a letter: "Isn't it time you found a job you love" from the Department of Retardation.

M: to hurry the future. Chickens 2-0-5 +Spehn.


Future Business

M: to banana banana banana.

M: to commend Jade and Jay for canceling each other out.

M: something about Jay, Jade, and bananas. Passes unanimously.

Meeting adjourned, 1730 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Natasha Olchanski, Onseck