MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, May 5, 2000

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jenwa Hsung, President and Skinner who turned in her thesis, presiding. JFC is the Pseudo-Onseck. ("Will you onseck me, John?")

Minutes read.

M: condemn pseudo-onseck for not knowing difference between "cuteness" and "antlers."


Committee Reports

Pseudo-hasslecomm: 2/3 of Hasslecomm is lame, 1/3 is lame but makes up for it.

Auxiliary-hasslecomm: WDS did 8 or 9 books. Discussion of reassigning members.

Pseudo-picniccomm: if you have a car, sign up. Discussion of cars causing rain.

Panthercomm: we got a William Buckley Jr. books.

M: gavel WB Jr. 2-1-1 +Spehn.

Minicult: bananas barraging Miami city hall.

Pseudo-Jourcomm: YN threatens TZ next week.


Old Business

Voyager was lame, with an old character.

The skinner is the youngest person here.

Old to-do list in JM's handwriting in skinner drawer. E.g. "Create rites," learn to access endowment, "try to get space," "alum mailing," "t-shirts."


New Business

New space chart with flatter curve.

5/5/00 happened, but the sun rose in the east today.

WDS is processing new books.


Future Business

Jay and Jade are/will mud wrestle.

Pseudo-pianocomm: active. New prentice Mery might get a key RSN.

M: banana. 7-0-4 +Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, 17-20something SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Natasha Olchanski, Onseck