MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, February 8, 2002

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jade Wang, President and Skinner, presiding. John Carr is the reluctant pseudo-onseck, persuaded by Jade's amazing pre-meeting stretch to overcome his laziness.

Minutes read.

Motion: Commend the pseudo-onseck.

Motion: Condemn the pseudo-onseck for reading the minutes all in the same font. The pseudo-onseck defends himself by pointing out that although the minutes may have been read in a single font family, they were not in a single font.

Motion: Tell us Isaac Asimov's shocking secret!

The pseudo-onseck calls for a matrix vote but somebody objects that none of the motions were seconded.

Motion: Condemn the lack of interpretive dancing accompanying the reading of the minutes. John offers to dance. The motion chickens 3-0-4+Spehn. John starts to read the minutes again while dancing. Jade pretends to cover her eyes, but she was peeking.


Committee Reports

Jade talks to Jamie about LHE stuff. SFBC bills are cumulative so we don't pay all the latest bill, only the part for which there is no check in transit. ``I'm so confused,'' says Jade as usual.

Pseudo-theftcomm: Jamie stared at the TIF for a long time before the meeting.

Pseudo-ROSFAP: ROSFAP answered the mail from the guy offering to index our fanzines.

Pseudo-panthercomm: The new book shelf will explode soon.

Pseudo-dexmistress: Jamie got hole punched paper.

Mobcomm: Two boxes of books from Wildside Press arrived this week.

Mobcomm$_2$: The last British book arrived, replacing a copy that fell out of a hole in one of the boxes containing the last shipment.

Mobcomm$_3$: About fifty books from the Space-Crime Continuum arrived today. None of them are new and interesting. Some of them are old and interesting.

Mobcomm$_4$: The mobcomm box contained a new Robert Rankin book.

Mobcomm$_5$: I'm going to ask for $700 as soon as I figure out the pound-dollar exchange rate.

Pianocomm: Prentice Laura came with parents.

Pseudo-bluebellcomm: Bluebellcomm may be lame.

Pseudo-alohalenscomm: I will start stalking DRK soon.


New Business

Object bashing is postponed until next Friday.


Old Business

Jamie tossed a bunch of old stuff (three computers, and soon typewriters and Tarl).

Rearrangement continues.

JFC put tops on two shelves without losing his thumbs.

Two new shelf faces are coming this weekend.

Jade reads a card from Aaron and Yevgeniya (mailed early December, received late January, forgotten last week).

\put( ...
\qbezier(10.0,2.5)( 7.5,2.6)( 6.5,5.0)
a smiley face? Jade says no, because it has a nose. Is it a smiley nose-face then?

Motion: Condemn the Skinner for having a nose and therefore never smiling. Passes 5-0-Spehn+1.

Old Skinner Rob Bernstein '76 is coming Monday.


Future Business

SNF Real Soon Now!

SFBC will be paid, after weeks of discussion.

Jade's lab got a monochrometer. Apparently this is a device that measures a fixed frequency. It is calibrated by the manufacturer by applying adhesive numbers to show the frequency it will report. FROGs will devour Jade.

Motion: Jade and a large, sensuous frog with a banana. Passes 4-1-Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, something$^3$.

Respectfully submitted,
John Carr, the dancing pseudo-onseck