MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 22, 2002

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Jade Wang, President and Skinner, presiding. Ed Keyes is the okay-now-I'm-ready Onseck.

Minutes read. Jade excuses herself in the middle of the reading to visit the little girls' room. No one pays attention to the minutes.

Note that the minutes were ``Ed''ited as usual.


Committee Reports

[John] ``Is that a coffee stain on your shirt?'' He was referring to the Lucent logo on Jade's sweater. Probably it's a blood stain, since it's red.

Mobcomm: Nothing much to report. This was after requesting the Onseck to re-read back last week's report to check what had already been said.

Bluebellcomm: A member of Bluebellcomm covered a few books. We're out of the short covering material.

Alohalenscomm: Finally got a picture of Deepak.


New Business

Jamie is banging shelves in the circulating room. BANG! CLANG! OW! He's supervising construction of four of the lawyer shelves. The old shelves were difficult to remove, as they were stuck to the floor with an impromptu glue.

We will get Joe Foley coming in here with power tools to complete the disassembly. [Jade] ``Remind me not to be here...''

The meeting is indeed loud enough to annoy, but not loud enough to get complaints. Yes!

We picked up a donation in Harvard Square. Ten boxes of books, plus a mint-condition Star Trek Barbie.

John consults his notes on things to talk about in the meeting. He reports that apparently someone tried to curse him, but that God is missing... namely John witnessed but was not involved in three car crashes in the last week.

Jade has to run away now.

Motion: Placate the great banana demon by leaving all the cool things to report until next week. Passes by Skinnerial decree.

Meeting adjourned, ``17... like 20 or something'' SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Ed Keyes, Onseck