MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, January 31, 2003

MITSFS meeting called to order 1700 SST Friday, January the thirty-first. Ed Keyes is the presiding president and skinner, while Andrew Clough is the procrastinating Onseck.

Motion: ``Condemn the minutes as not having enough lizards.'' Passes 7-0-0+Spehn.

Motion: ``Condemn minutes as too short.'' Passes 7-3-2+Spehn.


Committee Reports

AlohaLensComm: Lots of Margaret Pictures, other pictures, etc. A spider is guarding Margaret's place for her right now.

Margaret: G'iah!! G'iah!! Ouch, my helmet resonated.

Discussion of game, Bakery Banzai, IronChef, and school girls.

Mobcomm: Books from Space Crime, including Jordan's new brick.

Pseudo-Bluebellcom: Still lame, but freshmen might be better.


Old Business

Ed: ``Where'd my IAP go.''

We got Brown's report on Russian Sci-Fi.

Margaret dances.

``Is she trying to make an unusual motion?''

``Unusual second'' ``Unusual result'' But no unusual debate.


New Business

John: ``I have a cardboard heart.''

Onseck: ``Tomorrow is my Birthday.'' Cue heavenly light, singing, etc.

Me again: ``I let the magic smoke out of an op-amp, and thus increased world magic levels.''

Lot of books to shelve.


Future Business

John:''I will either teach Susan Bjon Bondage comm; or Margaret Bluebellcom.'' Also requests Margaret's helmet.

Margaret: ``Nien, my helmet!''

Motion: ``Condemn nature for lack of cold resistant flowers.'' Passes 5-2-2+Spehn.

``Some day I'll tell you about a mechanic where I got shot, recovered, and took over my family.''

A most horrendous rendition of ``Happy Birthday to You'' and we to to Bertucci's.

Meeting adjourned 17:59 SST.

Humbly Submitted,
Andrew Clough, Onseck