MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, May 21, 2004

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Kat Allen, President and Skinner, presiding; Brian Sniffen, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

Motion to commend, condemn, and candian airline the minutes as being a shining example of paranoia and schizophrenia -- mostly the later. Passes 19-7-2+a Schizophrenic Chicken plus Spehn du.


Committee Reports


reports... ``Hahahaha! Nothing!''


Gosh, books got covered. Maybe gnomes?

Vice says it was her, a frustrated author, who got five rejections and worked out her frustration on the plastic.


Ariel complains about nagging, but will show up and work soon if the Skinner keeps her company.


has continued to loot Ave. Victor Hugo, which offers a great bulk deal on bulk books which we can't afford to take unless it comes with more space to put them in.

War Council

We can't even shelve all the books on the ``to be shelved'' section. Eek.


Old Business

We got mail! Somebody should remove the UA from the mud-soaked pit where we left it after ceremonially wrestling for our mail.

We're now only three months behind instead of twelve -- so this may be good. Though it implies that in a little while, they'll be delivering unsent mail, which will be interesting.

We now have Temple of HaShem, an allegedly Jewish Science Fiction book, which its author would like us to review.

Isaac Asimov is still dead. (Jamie)

But his magazine came to us. (JFC)

Where are the comic books? ...Hey, John, you're supposed to answer the question! (Jamie)


New Business

``Stupid Einstein'' is being performed this week; look to the Glob calendar for details. It may be pantomime. ``Far better that than if the mimes don't wear pants.'' (BTS) A motion to condemn the Onseck passes by Skinnerial decree.

A motion to add the bananas of Gor to the Freshmen Mailing, appropriately chained for safety to the underclassmen, fails 4-9-3 plus Spehn.

There will be a new schedule for the Summer shortly, taking effect in about two weeks.

Some motion (``Sure!'') chickens 4-3-9 plus Spehn.


Future Business

The LHE may well be around for the summer, if he can be employed in the next week. Vice suggests ``Desk Barbarian'' at McCormick Hall. Jamie suggests eunuchs to guard McCormick, but the Onseck points out that VMS has better security properties.

Condemnation of the movie version of I,Robot passes 10-0-2 plus Spehn.

The frogs come, on little flat feet, passes 5-0-1 plus Spehn with the friendly amendment, ``For the bananas''.

Meeting adjourned, 1600 SST.

``Augh, a 23-hour meeting!'' (ED) ``Eventually, I'll learn to tell time... right'' (Skinner)

Respectfully submitted,
Brian Sniffen, Onseck