MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, November 11, 2005

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1730 SST, Andrew Clough, President and Skinner, presiding; Kevin Riggle, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

Motion chickoo passes 13-3-4 plus Spehn.


Committee Reports


She got another rejection letter. There's still one outstanding rejection letter^H^H^H^H^H^Hmanuscript at a particular magazine.

``When they say six months, they mean six months. Then again, they're Canadian, so they're a bit sloo, eh?''

War Council

The ASA hasn't taken Andrew up on his offer to visit and see our space crunch. ``They'll come just as soon as HassleComm has finally taken all the excess books off the shelves.''


We have books from Amazon coming in, and the Ingram thing is getting taken care of, so we should have books from them soon.

``Funny, for some reason I was thinking of Ingram as a manufacturer of automatic weapons.''
``No... then again, we could make a non-lethal weapon to fire Robert Jordan books.''
``That wouldn't be non-lethal, Margaret... 'EAT PULPY PAPER DEATH <CHUG> <CHUG> <CHUG> <CHUG> <CHUG>...'''


There are freshmen! Coming to meetings!


HassleComm processed six boxes of paperback books yesterday in the new shiny Jamie system, so there is now six boxes worth of space on the shelves. ``Enjoy it while it lasts!''

Mumbling about Rats (Vox Sciurorum$_3$)

``If you ever wondered if squirrels have tongues, I have photographic proof.''


Old Business

Star Wars: The Musical is coming out ``again'' next week. People say it will be good. ``It has to be good - it made Slashdot!''


Usual &c.


New Business

Motions to: dispose of Margaret's body properly (5-5-1 plus Spehn) dispose of Margaret's body improperly (10-9-0 plus Spehn) have a matrix vote (5-8-14 plus Spehn)

MHG: ``The dead can still vote!''

Determinant is -15; all motions fail.

Malcolm is sent to Albania by Skinnerial decree.


Future Business

In the future, Andrew will talk to SAFO about setting up things with Ingram. He'll also look into getting this year's money from the MIT Libraries.

Margaret bought 3 feet of tubing today as a part for a cooling system in a prototype for the Soldier Design Competition.

Motion to procure 10,000 banana-colored squirrels to use as a guard force for the Library passes 14-5-4 plus Spehn.

Meeting adjourned, 1830 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Riggle, Onseck