MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 24, 2006

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Andrew Clough, President and Skinner, presiding; Kevin Riggle, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

Jamie motions to condemn the Onseck for truncating his motion regarding the reading of last week's minutes to the point of unfunniness BORK BORK BORK chickens 6-2-14 plus Spehn.


Committee Reports

War Council



There is a cunning, knitted hat.


We got a proof copy of Infernal Devices by Philip Reeve in the mail today. Someone should write a review of it.


Two keyholders and former Society officers are engaged--congratulations to Kat and Brian!


Jamie has created the office of Trojan for the person in charge of handling donations. (``Beware of geeks bearing gifts.'')

Jamie processed the Dupree donation, and Andrew has started processing the Jacobs donation.

Malcolm moves to incite the Boxer rebellion. (``Briefs! Briefs!'') Chickens 6-4-10 plus Spehn.

A CP just walked by and gave Margaret a strange look.


Since Kate is going to be in town over Spring Break, the Onseck will poke Jake to see if he wants to do a pass this week.


Old Business

There's nothing old under the sun.


New Business

It's Spring Break!


Future Business

In the future, the Borders at the Cambridgeside Galleria will be having Wen Spencer discuss her new book, The Wolf Rules, on April 17.

Motion to save space in the Library by removing all books which are not by the best writer ever fails for lack of a second.

Andrew is hoping to move stuff out of the warehouse and do some rearranging over break. He'll send e-mail about it.

[elided] passes 4-1-3 plus Spehn.

Motion to save space in the Library by removing all books which do not contain bananas. Motion to save space in the Library by removing all books which contain bananas. Motion to save space in the Library by removing Yelena for failure to contain bananas.

4-7-6 plus Spehn 2-10-9 plus Spehn 0-2-16 plus Spehn

All motions pass with a determinant of 39.

BING! Meeting adjourned, 1830 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Riggle, Onseck