MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, August 4, 2006

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Kevin Riggle, President and Skinner, presiding; Kat Allen, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

A motion to approve the minutes as not being very informative at all passes 6-1-2+Spehn


Committee Reports


TZ is coming soon! Jourcom needs only two things: cover art and something that clearly isn't a Skinner rant, no no no. The Skinner would never hold up the publication of TZ.

A motion to commend Jourcomm for flouting all tradition passes 10-4-1+Spehn


Cheques are here!

Mad magazine once published a magazine with a cover that was painted by a monkey. We will not be going into Building 66 for it.


Old Business

Experimental binging with the wrong end of the gavel is dissatisfactory. Discussion of the pitch of the bing and whether it is a pure tone results in a non-voted resolution to measure the tone.


New Business

The Skinner does not play charades well. Joe Haldeman published a new book!

``If the Skinner gesticulates wildly, eventually the Onseck will make up the truth.''

``Ooh, Henry Jenkins has a weblog?''-KR
``Just recently''-KHA
``Everybody's doing it, then?''-KR
``Yup. This is why DOPA is dopey'' -KHA

A motion to commend Congress for being really stupid fails for lack of a second.

KR puts in a plug for his company's new product,

KKB says ESG just got rid of a bunch of sci-fi books and she brought them to us. She left them in the annex.
``They're free, and they're books, and there's a lot of them''
``Three good things!''


Future Business

``In the future, ALC will have access to the Library''-ALC KR has sent the list, which he will send again today.

A visitor who writes for a German fanzine wants to write about MITSFS and especially the Perry Rhodan books. Apparently we have a very rare poster on our wall in the first aisle.

Disussion of the SNR of the minutes as compared to Discussion of what you call the first 10 years of a decade determines ``oughts'' or ``aughties''

Discussion of why there are so many vampire books (Buffy spinoffs?) and not enough space (Firefly) books comes to no conclusion.

A motion to replace the CAC with a pile of banana-fueled monkeys so they'll change our locks passes 10-i-i+Spehn

BING! Meeting adjourned, 1830 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Katherine Allen, Onseck