MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, November 10, 2006

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Kevin Riggle, President and Skinner, presiding; Kat Sniffen, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

A motion to approve the reading of the minutes as rapid and clear fails 7-9-1+Spehn. The Onseck complains that that is the slowest she's read the minutes in some time. This is only partly because she doesn't read them out loud at home, though she does always read them.


Committee Reports


The Skinner has written a story! It is much longer than the last time he wrote it.


TZ is coming very soon--it is written, edited, laid out, and the only problem is that there are 6 instances of some art called ``Art to Break up Blocky Text'' which look an awful lot like


We have new posters!

An alum appears, Whitfield Diffie, announcing that ``I try to come every decade, whether I need it or not''. He last appeared June 2, 2000.


The last living person who knows the location of TableComm. The report of the Table Committee remains unchanged. This time he also purchases a TZ.


Has dramatic shots of the meeting, which could perhaps be used in TZ.


Kevin sent off the Osbourne donation letter today. Discussion ends up drifting to Niagaracomm.


Magazine Inventory this Sunday! MagDex has been renamed to the MagTrix, still spelled ``M A G D E X''


We have new reinforced hole punch paper. We tried ordering Membership Sheets from CopyTech, but they failed us--the holes were not reinforced, and although the up-down parity was correct, the left-right parity was wrong.

Discussion of Arabic and German membership sheets


Old Business

David is trying to figure out how to turn our 1949 microfilms into something readable by modern technology. Apparently JM looked up the half-life of the microfilm, and it was like 50 years. Our readers may or may not actually function.


New Business

Discussion of copyright issues continues over the Old/New boundary.

Cecila Tan is running an eBay auction to have someone write a short story to ones specifications. BTS reports that the bidding is going extremely high.

Alumna Ariel Segall is the Pandemonium Iron Gamer Miniature Painter.

Some complaints about the fact that the Skinner announced the New Business are resolved with a motion to timewarp back and not announce it. The motion passes by Skinnerial Decree.

JM tells us about the Star Trek Barbie in the Sacks, frightening the Skinner. It is not brought out, on threat of violence.

Discussions about Amazon shipping delays and the fact that Ingram did officially refuse to deal with us result in a lot of quietness.


Future Business

There is a new SF movie being made--``Meet the.'' It has a Tyrranosaurus Regulus, among other things.

KR has a friend at CMU, where they are filming a Dennis Quade movie about smart people.

In the Future we will acquire a new picture of WDS. It will not have a collar, because ``I don't do that'', says AlohaLenscomm. Discussion about

The Skinner moves that the next TZ cover not be Banana-colored. It passes 18-0-0+Spehn. Onseck notes that I intend it to be blue. Bananas should not be blue.

BING! Meeting adjourned, 1830 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Katherine Sniffen, Onseck