MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, May 4, 2007

MITSFS meeting called to order, 1700 SST, Kate Kuznetsova, LHE and Psuedo-Skinner, presiding; Andrew Clough, Thunderbunny and PsuedoOnseck, recording.

Minutes read.

Motion: Condem the onseck for not putting up Kendra's motions fails by Skinerial Decree

ALC: Thats Psuedo skinerial decree

Motion: Condem the onseck for not being here fails for lack of a second BING!


Committee Reports

Picniccomm: Elections is on Friday the 11th, picnic is on saturday the 12th

High First Report: HERSFA invaded, there was much fighting, we have a truce now so we can have a meeting.

Magdex: We finished magazines in the circulating room.


Old Business

Motion: Condem the psuedo skinner for not haveing a resonant bing passes 20-0-1+Spehn much better BING!

People were hosed from 6.170

Motion: Condem the psuedo-skinner for confusing herself and the psuedo-Sukrit. 17-5-3+Spehn BING!


New Business

Motion: Kate having power over life and reality is scary! Motion chickens 7-2-7+Spehn BING!

HERSFA is here. Some of them have suits and boffers. And the ancient slinky of peace.


Future Business

In the future there will be dinner. In the future there will be finals. In the future there will be summer. In the future there will be elections.

Motion: Elect a banana for president. Passes 7-2-5+spehn BING!

BING! Meeting adjourned, 19:-15 SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Clough, Psuedo-Onseck